Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Good reasons to do it Corporate Social Responsibility AtExquisite Fruits we want to transmit you a healthy lifestyle, where sports and healthy eating should be an important part of our goals.Exquisite Fruitsencourages an education where fruit, vegetables, sports and...
Organic raspberry

Organic raspberry

ORGANIC RASPBERRY Raspberry is one of the healthiest fruits healthiest for our body. Its nutritional properties range from natural weight control, through bone strengthening, to even cancer prevention. It is extremely rich in natural antioxidants, soluble fiber, folic...
Organic blueberry

Organic blueberry

Blueberry They are considered one of the fruits with the highest content of antioxidants which, among some of their health benefits, help us prevent vision problems, fight premature aging or degenerative diseases. We can find both red and dark blueberries. They are a...


LEMON Lemons are found in two different varieties according to their temporality but with similar characteristics, differing on the skin and preserving all its nutritional and healing properties that are so beneficial for our body. Tiene un color suave y una carne...
Organic Pomegranate

Organic Pomegranate

POMEGRANATE The pomegranate is one of the fruits that has the most properties. It is high in vitamin C, in addition to vitamin B5, vitamin A, vitamin E, and folic acid. In addition, it has high levels of antioxidants, which fight free radicals and prevent cell aging....
Organic grapefruit

Organic grapefruit

GRAPEFRUIT Grapefruit has the peculiarity that its pulp is made up of numerous vesicles full of juice. Water is the main component of this citrus, which is why grapefruit has a low caloric value, basically at the expense of carbohydrates. As for vitamins, it stands...
Organic Bright Red Kaki

Organic Bright Red Kaki

BRIGHT RED KAKI The Bright Red Kaki are a variety of the traditional persimmon, but with a difference, while the persimmon has soft pulp and can be eaten with a spoon, the pulp of the Persimon Kaki is hard so it can be peeled and cut with a knife, although the taste...
Ecological Paraguayan

Ecological Paraguayan

PARAGUAYAN It is a fruit similar to the peach but in a squashed shape. With him it shares practically the same characteristics, fluff of the skin, fleshy pulp, extremely sweet and juicy. They are usually distinguished by their reddish color of the skin since their...
Organic peach

Organic peach

PEACH It is the king of stone fruits in summer. Nectarines, pavías, Paraguayans, platerinas and other varieties from the rest of the world derive from them. They can be divided into two large groups since there are an infinity of varieties that have been implanted as...
Organic nectarine

Organic nectarine

NECTARINE The nectarine is a variant of the peach with smooth, non-hairy skin like the plum that can be eaten peeled or unpeeled. We can find it with white or yellow meat and a reddish color inside surrounding the bone. PRODUCTION...